LaGrange College Partners With Volunteer Program

West Georgia Star has partnered with LaGrange College to provide volunteer services with several different organizations on the LC campus. We currently receive volunteers from the Black Student Union, LC Servant Scholars, and Federal Work Study Students. 

Volunteers come in between their scheduled classes to provide tutoring to the After School Enrichment Program and Youth Leadership Platform.  They also plan their own lessons that focus on character building and life skills that the students need for later in life.  Not only do they help inside the classroom, but outside of the classroom as well.  LC volunteers help at West Georgia Star sponsored events throughout the year.  They also sponsor several activities at the LC campus that our students are able to attend. West Georgia Star was also the chosen location for the Servant Scholar’s Servant Saturday service project. Currently, the LC Servant Scholars are sponsoring swimming lesson for 10 of the West Georgia Star After School Enrichment Program participants on Mondays for 4 weeks.  We are hoping that once the first 4-week session is complete, they will be able to provide lessons for 10 more students.

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